Using your work/life experiences, skills, education, and knowledge, become GLOBALLY RELEVANT, and internationally SOUGHT-AFTER.

WELCOME, I am Dr. Aderinsola, the coach that holds your hand till you arrive on the global stage​ and I am thrilled to have you here.


It is alright to admit you want it “ALL”………


And Yes!

I can help you achieve that “ALL”…….  


Your Regular Coach Teaches You How To Make Money.

I Teach You To WIN FREE money AND get FUNDING for the DREAM DESTINATIONS you have been trying to make money for. To top it, you GET GLOBAL RECOGNITION for it. I am not your ordinary coach; I give you more than money. I AM ADERINSOLA ADIO-ADEPOJU. The ONLY COACH ON THIS SIDE OF THE ATLANTIC who can deliver you MONEY, FULFILLMENT, ENJOYMENT, and RECOGNITION all at once.

Wondering how this is even POSSIBLE?

It is by


It is alright if you do not understand how this works yet; 


What Exactly Is A-Z of Winning Global Opportunities

A-Z Of Winning Global Opportunities is a 12-week interactive online course that teaches Youths & Professionals how to FIND, FILL Applications For, WIN, ATTRACT & MAXIMIZE global opportunities such as grants, leadership training, awards, fellowships, scholarships, business/innovation labs, competition/prizes, etc.

Within 5 days of revamping her profile, platform, and positioning here, I helped Augusta attract an oil and gas lead role in the Sub-Saharan African region. She had just 163 LinkedIn connections. 

“I wondered how people get noticed and get people to reach out to them with the desired opportunities. I did not know they had the right profile and were strategically positioned for it. Derin showed me how, and after a three-hour revamp of my profile, people that I used to look up to in the oil and gas industry were the ones now reaching out to me to ask me to join their team.”

AugustaHeavens Ikevuje- Oil & Gas Business Expert

Is This Course For You? Find Out

  • Are you a youth, woman, or professional aged 18-50 who desires to be on the global stage?
  • Do you have a University Education pending or completed?
  • Do you have work or life experiences that are worth showcasing?
  • Do you have a project/career you are working on, be it an academic project, social project, community project, volunteering project, professional project & business project?
  • Are you a youth who truly desires to impact the world, gain a global network, get funding for self-development, and create impact through your visionary businesses, social enterprises, academic projects, careers and NGO?

If you answered YES to any of the questions above,


I can help you through this course to ACCESS, ATTRACT AND WIN the most coveted global opportunities.


THE GLOBAL STAGE IS YOUR HOME, and I will help you get there just like I have done for others.

I would like you to meet one of them. 

“Dr. Aderinsola first started by helping me gain clarity, and then we used what she calls her PPP framework to get me to design a PROFILE, get my PLATFORMS ready, and position me strategically to attract these global opportunities. The most insane thing happened just 2 weeks after I learnt. I told my friend how my profile got me emails from recruiters without application. Even the recruiters who did not need me said they would chat me up when there was an opening because I had a compelling profile. I told my friend all this, and he requested I write his. Trust me, sharp girl, I charged him $200 to write it. I charged another of my friends the same. I made my money to learn back in multiples. I honestly think Derin doesn’t charge enough for the level of value she gives in her training. From multiple job interviews to the global incubation lab, I got into exclusive networks and a job of my dreams that now pays me in dollars. I owe Derin some thousand dollars for this knowledge as a tithe.”

Ivie Osobase (@iviefolashadeosobase) – Marketing and Communications professional.

Who is this course not for?

  •  This is not a course for those whose only aim is to get “free money” and spend it on other things the grant or opportunity was not intended for.
  • This is not for those looking for a money-doubling scheme
  • This is not for those looking for money to repay their debt.
  • This is not for those looking for investment or money ladder schemes.

now that we know who should be here, Let's go see what you will learn in 10 modules and 80+ lessons

You must be wondering, who exactly is ADERINSOLA ADIO-ADEPOJU and what is my story?


I am Dr Aderinsola Adio-Adepoju, creator of this course and founder of I-Train Africa, and I am a global citizen. People sometimes refer to me as




I have won several global opportunities, such as grants, awards, business labs, innovation labs, fellowships, etc., estimated at over $30,000. These opportunities took me across five continents in three years, and 90% were funded.

I have ATTRACTED 15+ of the opportunities I wanted, such as global speaking events, awards, etc.

In 2021 alone, I was appointed UNLEASH Ambassador and UPG sustainability leader from over 4000 applicants from 167 countries.


Wait a minute before I got all that “accolades.”

I applied for many opportunities, and all I got was the “Your application was great, but we are sorry….” kind of rejection email. In 2017, I finally got a breakthrough. I won the first opportunity to attend 2 weeks of all-expense-paid training in Brazil. That was it. I kept winning and winning because I had finally gotten the formula; all I had to do was apply that formula to the next application. It did not matter whether I was applying for a business-related opportunity or an academic one; the formula kept working. I helped those in my inner circle for the longest time after that, but in 2021, I knew it was time to help more people reach the global stage.
I want to turn those rejection emails into CONGRATULATIONS emails like the ones I now receive. When I am not teaching you how to access opportunities, I teach entry-level students chemistry at the University in my home country, Nigeria. I am a successful entrepreneur with over 12 years of teaching and management experience in fashion.

You must have noticed I am a teacher across the board, right? Yes, I am damn good at teaching hence the title “The Knowledge Distiller.”

I am on a mission to educate 500,000 youths by 2022, and I would love to give you my wealth of experience on global opportunities so that you can become a global citizen like me.

I cannot wait to see you in this course –  Aderinsola.

STOP FOR A SECOND, imagine all these opportunities and places I have been to in these pictures rolling in was you.


Yes! It can be you. My framework works across countries and industries because it worked for Felicia

Did You Think That Was All? there is More

we have bonuses that comes with the course

business grant course


You A 4.5 hours prerecorded Workshop that takes you through the question asked in 2 major global business grant & business training applications. In this workshop, different answers were given to 40+ questions using examples of business from different sectors such as fashion, education, health, technology, beauty, Agriculture, etc. 1 Hour of this training is on creating financial statements for your business taught by a financial expert. Price, of course, N50,000| $125 (Tier 2 & 3 only).

value - N50,000 | $100

exclusive opportunities


For three months, you will be the first to hear about exclusive global opportunities that we get from our global networks. These opportunities will be posted in the closed group (Global Citizen Tribe).

value - $480 | N240,000

a community where you get support


You will be added to an exclusive Facebook group where you meet other students and where you can always ask your questions, share ideas about the progress of your applications and get your assignments reviewed by coaches.

value - priceless - Or let us assume it is an ikoyi club - $1000|N500,000

total value of bonuses?

$1580 | N790,000

guess what? you get to pay nothing for all the bonuses which is why they are called bonuses.

if you are at this point, you have already clicked on the buttons and you think, whao! $1162 | N500,000 is expensive for 80+ lesson, workbooks, guides, and 12 weeks of coaching!

Are You Thinking What I Think You Are Thinking?

Oh, It is Expensive!

I agree with you; it is EXPENSIVE. 

Expensive is relative. 

What do I mean?

If I see something I need that would take me 3 years to package into knowledge at a fee, I will first calculate how much I earn per hour. Let us say I earn $2 (I know this is way lower than what you earn or can earn per hour). I multiply it by 8 hours, which is a fair number of hours to work daily. I multiply this by the number of days in a year, which is 365 days. Then, I multiply it by 3 years. 

Let us do the maths. 

THAT IS A WHOPPING $17,520 | N8,760,000

Do You Still Think It Is Expensive?

Your Time Of Learning For Years Through Trial And Error is EXPENSIVE.

Is It Worth It?

I know You Know It Is Not Expensive But You Are Asking, Is It Worth It? Is my Investment Worth It?

What do you think about investments? 

I consider anything an AMAZING investment if I can get double what I invested in 1-year i,e, 100% 

But here is the thing: what if you invest $1162 | N500,000 in this course and you get a grant or another opportunity worth $6000 | N3,000,000? 

You know what that means, right? 

Your ROI (returns on investment) is 1500%

1 more thing

You get more than money from Global Opportunities




What do you get when you join us

80+ lessons, workbooks, guides, templates

Access to all 10 modules, 80+ lessons, workbooks, guides, templates that teach you how to draft the required documents for your application and and proven strategies on how to attract awards, speaking engagement etc.

3 levels of support from coach in live coaching calls, resident coach daily, past & present students on the group from all around the world

Three levels of support The weekly coaching call across 12 weeks from a coach. Daily support from a resident coach via the Facebook group where your assignments are reviewed Support from present and past students of the course who are from different continents.

online course that teaches you about business grant and financials

exclusive global opportunities for 3 months

You will be the first to hear about exclusive global opportunities for 3 months.

get access to exclusive global opportunities

You will need to belong to certain networks to hear about certain opportunities. Here is your chance to get into a global network. 


why choose us?

Get results and gain network

Our courses are more than just instructions, they come with workbooks/guides/support/network to help you execute and achieve results. The students from all around the world becomes part of your network.

why choose us?

Simplified content

Enough of reading and reading without understanding which knowledge to apply to what. Our courses use simple terms and real-life experiences to guide you on how to achieve results.


why choose us?


We know gaining clarity about what you need to learn for the challenge you have at hand is the first on your list. The overview and topics of our course help you predetermine what is right for you at your stage of life.


join us Now.
You May not be getting this course at this price ever again.

You know this course is worth more than this right? Well, we only charged a very tiny percentage of the value to ensure you can afford it. The next time we launch this course, we are charging more. 

I want to pay now but I have questions.

Here you go. We compiled a list of answers to the questions you may have


Can I register now?

Yes, registration is opened but we begin group coaching at the beginning of a new month


How will it be delivered

Via this learning management site (LMS) Lessons are in prerecorded videos, audios, templates, and guides.


How will I access the course

You will be given login details once you pay via the link but the lessons won't be available till the start date


How long will the course last

It is a self-paced online course (I.e you take it at your pace) but you can complete this course within 8-12 weeks and start implementing immediately.


Will the course be physical or virtual

It is an online course so you can be anywhere in the world to take it. All you need is an internet-enabled device


What device is needed to take the course

Any internet-enabled device such as smartphones, laptops, etc is suitable to take the course.


How much is the course

N500,000 | $1163 for course, 12 weeks group coaching calls and daily group support for 12 weeks. N400,000 | $930 for online course modules and daily group support for 12 weeks.


Is there a 2-time payment option

Yes there is but you pay a higher fee for 2 times payment . There is a N10,000 extra charge for paying twice For tier 1 - You pay a total of N410,000 |$953. You pay half of this fee (N205,000 | $477) now and the second installment after 30 days. Tier 2 - You pay a total of N510,000 | $1186 . You pay half of this fee (N255,000 | $593) now and the second installment after 30 days. Tier 3 - There is no difference in price. You pay half (N500000 |$1163) at start and second half after 30 days.


Are the videos downloadable

No. But guides and templates are downloadable.


How long do I have access to the course

For 1 year from the start date of course


Will I get results

Yes, if you put in the work. Aderinsola guided Kunle, Phebe Felicia and others who have results. Results do not lie


Do I get one-on -one coaching with the coach/founder

No. you do not get this for tier 1 and 2. If you would like an individual coaching session, pay for tier 3 or send us an email (


Will global opportunities applications be filled for me

No. It is not a done-for-you service. We teach you how to fill these applications yourself and review your assignment on the group. You have to put in the work. If you need a done-with-you service, please pay for tier 3 which involves 1-on-1 coaching program.


Can I pay even if I am not in Nigeria - in other currencies

Yes, you can. Click any of the buttons and you will be taken to a payment page that has an option with a button "pay in other currencies -international" The price will reflect in your currency


What if I have more questions

Please send an email to or chat us on +2348053453099

If you leave this page without getting this online course now, here are 2 things that will happen.


You will feel pain in your heart when you see people who were not half as good as you are back in the days doing amazing exploits. Not because you are jealous but because you are mad at yourself for self-sabotaging.


You will wonder what could have been.
It is now or never.

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