My mind immediately shut it out because I was getting hitched to the love of my life in 2 weeks and all I could think about was the wedding.
Besides, we could not afford it.
Can I be truthful with you? That was bullshit!
That was the lie I told myself. Deep down, I made up my mind I did not want to go because of my wedding which was just 2 weeks after this admission letter came in.
Fast forward to September of same year, this school contacted me again, asking me to redeem my spot

Do you see why what I initially told myself was bullshit? The wedding was over, our finances had stabilized, but I STILL IGNORED.
I know you must be rolling your eyes now right?
Wait a minute, the person I described does not sound so smart right? I know.
I’ll like you to meet that same person in 2021
I am Aderinsola Adio- Adepoju | Founder I-Train Africa | Teacher University of Lagos | UNLEASH Ambassador and I am a global citizen. I have won several global opportunities such as business grants, innovation labs, academic grants, fellowships, awards, global training, competition, ambassadorial position etc. that has taken me to Texas, Us, Sao Paulo Brazil, Singapore, Accra Ghana, Liverpool, UK, Aberdeen Scotland, Ireland Belfast, (5 continents).
The worth of what I have won is over $30,000
Beyond the money/immediate value, I belong to several international networks giving me access to people from 167 countries just by being an alumni of one of such networks.
Check out my journey of global exploit:
Guess what changed?
After 2.5 years of being married, my hubby reminded me about the driven girl he met and fell in love with. He said the girl was fading away. What he fell in love with is the ambitious girl who wanted the global stage. He said Derin, even if you did not go to the US, you will go back to Lagos and start your Ph.D. This was in a different city from where we lived.
Imagine my shock.
We booked our flights and off we went to my alma mater to visit my Masters degree supervisors and told them I wanted to come back for a Ph.D.
Prof. Ogunlesi asked about the admission I processed to the US in 2012. I said I did not take it.
She asked me why?
I said money. She said, Derin, you had a 4.88 distinction in your masters. You are brilliant. Why did you not apply for a scholarship or global opportunity to fund it?
Then it dawned on me.
MONEY WAS NOT MY LIMITATION IN 2012 NEITHER WAS MARRIAGE because my husband personally dragged me back to Lagos Nigeria; another city away from him to go start my PhD.
Guess what happened afterwards?
I pursed those dreams unapologetically and STARTED WININNG ONE GLOBAL opportunity after the other.
I developed systems to make it work.
I mastered the ART OF DOING IT ALL.
I was happier, my husband was happier to have his girl back and winning.

Pursuing Your Ambitions For The Global Stage As A Woman; WHAT YOU NEED TO DO
women in diaspora are paying by the hour for this course

I Know What You Need And Here's What I'll Be Teaching You On This course That Will Help You Become Your Dream Self:
Practical steps to breaking the barriers that has stopped you over the years
Global opportunities you can easily win as a woman
How to use the woman advantage to win global opportunities
The story you should tell in your applications
How to plan your application into your busy schedule to make it work
Workable steps on how to get your spouse/family on board this journey with you
How to use the opportunities to your family's advantage

Free guide that shows you the process of organizing your application
Just incase you are asking what exactly are these opportunities and do women of my type win them?
Global opportunities are things like business grants, academic grants, global leadership training, global innovation labs, fellowships, scholarships, internships etc. that sponsor / fund projects (businesses, social enterprises, school, self development) for women like you.
Several of such opportunities exist for you at the global stage and the distance between where you are and the global opportunities to get to the stage is KNOWLEDGE.
Do not allow limitations to come in your way. The only limitation in your way is YOU.
You can lie to yourself all you want about family, marriage, being out of school for so long, not being in academics, not running a NGO, etc. being the reason why you are not pursuing that dream.
You and I know YOU CAN BE MORE and it annoys you that you keep lying to yourself.
Are you still thinking it’s impossible to balance your life as a woman and meeting up with your global pursuit?
here is What Others Are saying about our trainings
Meet ABIBAT ADEBISI SANUSI; (@sanusi_abibat) a business woman who won 2 international opportunities to Dubai and Rwanda to meet investors in 2021 alone using her business of rice farming

She is the CEO MitchellMartin Nigeria Limited, a resourceful entrepreneur who wasn’t aware of the global opportunities that were available to her in her Agric business.
I met Abibat in 2019 and we got talking. She showed me her product and I told her how she was sitting on a gold mine. I told her about global opportunities and one of her major fears was her not wanting to go abroad for extended periods because of family and some other things.
I asked, who told you global opportunities were about travelling abroad only? She asked for direction and I showed her the countless ways to access opportunities. She felt pained she had been allowing opportunities to pass her by due to her ignorance.
In just two years, she has built her portfolio as a winner of several grants and awards. Part of her wins is being awarded a scholarship to become a United States Government Alumna, Washington DC. She recently won a travel award to Dubai and Rwanda, which she’ll be honoring in October 2021 and December 2021 respectively to meet investors.
She has gotten a network.
She now exports her rice out of Nigeria.
She is getting funding from investors.
She is also travelling to gain exposure.
Global opportunities goes beyond just travelling out or relocating abroad, you could get that by paying for a flight ticket for your vacation. It is becoming a person of relevance at the global stage.
It is about getting into networks that determines your NETWORTH.
It is about knowing who to call if you find yourself in Singapore to Malawi to Philippines To Australia.
These are the reasons YOU NEED TO SIGN UP FOR THIS MASTERCLASS to learn more on the global opportunities available to you as A WOMAN and how to access them
here is What Others Are saying about our trainings
I have been on this course for less than 20 mins and I'm in love with your energy. I could not sleep till 1 am when i finished the course. i have been waiting for this all my life! - Sade Osobase @effortlesslysade

If you read up to this point and you are saying N20,000 | $50 is EXPENSIVE for this training.
I agree with you, it is EXPENSIVE. I was not referring to the training though.
I meant IGNORANCE. Ignorance is EXPENSIVE.
Stop for a second to think about what I lost to ignorance.
A chance to have obtained my Ph.D from the US.
A chance to have my children have dual citizenship.
A chance to have finished my Ph.D in 2016 instead of starting then.
Should I go on?
I will stop here. I am sure you get the drift.
I mean it literarily. Stop and think about what you are loosing because you lack direction on how to achieve your global dreams. When you are done itemizing them, do the maths.
I am sure the numbers you will arrive at will have N20k | $40 being just 0.01% of that amount.
I want to pay now but I have questions.
We compiled a list of answers to the questions you may have

What is this? Is it a webinar or an online course and where will it hold?
This is an online course.

How much is the course?
N20,000 | $50 .

YES YOU CAN. If you are transferring , it attracts an extra N500 for administrative fee. Transfer a total of N20,500 to - I-TRAIN AFRICA | GTB | 0640684188 . AFTER YOU DO THIS, SEND IN YOUR NAME, EMAIL, PROOF OF PAYMENT AND PHONE NUMBER to - itrainafrica@gmail.com

Can I pay even if I am not in Nigeria - in other currencies?
Yes, you can. CLICK THE SIGN UP BUTTON and use the purple button after that.

What if I have more questions?
Please send an email to itrainafrica@gmail.com or chat us on +2348053453099
Thanks so much for the class, it is worth paying for. now i know the area i should focus on. I enjoyed every of your teaching explaining everything perfectly well even a layman can understand it. you are a perfect teacher - Peter Blessing (ugheli, Nigeria) @blesscollectio

If you leave this page without getting this training now, here are 2 things that will happen.
You will feel pain in your heart when you see people who were not half as good as you are back in the days doing amazing exploits. Not because you are jealous but because you are mad at yourself for self-sabotaging.
You will wonder what could have been.
It is now or never.

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