With the constant evolution of technological tools in today’s job world, digital skills are essential. It is possible that even as a skilled professional, you were not exposed to these tools when you started your career, and as a result, you may feel overwhelmed, but you do not have to feel this way. 

You can still build your digital skills with the right strategies to enhance your career growth and open doors to new opportunities. It is high time you stopped getting intimidated by your tech-savvy colleagues and started upskilling.

Having digital skills enables you to work smarter and opens doors to opportunities to enhance your career growth. If you’re digitally illiterate or consider yourself a beginner, all you have to do is take action to help you bridge the gap and thrive in this digital age. 

Why Do You Need Digital Skills For Your Career Growth?

  1. To increase your workplace relevance: Many industries now require at least basic digital literacy.
  2. To Improve Your Productivity: Digital tools can streamline tasks, making you more efficient.
  3. Opportunities for Remote Work: Digital skills allow you to work from anywhere, expanding your career options.

Strategies to Build Career Growth Through Digital Skills

1. Start with the Fundamentals

The journey to digital proficiency begins with learning the basics. You don’t need to dive into complex tools or programming immediately. Start mastering how to operate a computer, use email professionally, and learn the nook and cranny of tools like Google Workspace.

2. Build your knowledge on skills that are relevant to your industry

Digital tools are not created equally; some are specific to certain industries. As a professional with little to no knowledge, you must be able to focus on tools and technologies that are widely used in your field to avoid complexities. You don’t want to bombard yourself with more than your brain can handle at a time. For example-

If you are an administrative professional, you can learn tools like Google Calendar

As a project management professional, you must build up your knowledge and skills on tools such as Airtable.

3. Enroll in Online Courses

There is a wide range of platforms you can learn from, such as I-Train Africa’s Skilled for Work Academy, which offers a wealth of digital knowledge tailored to you. The 3-year tested curriculum and learning process gives you the knowledge and skills required to work in today’s job market.

Building digital skills is a transformative journey that enhances your career growth and positions you as a valuable asset that fits into today’s workplace. Your years of professional experience and new digital skills can make you an unstoppable force in your field. Stop stalling and build your knowledge of tools and skills that will stand you out professionally.

Would you be willing to build skills to help you stand out in today’s job market?

Then sign up for I-Train Africa Workplace Foundational Skills, a 3-year tested curriculum and learning process that embodies you with employability skills regardless of your field of interest. 

Use the link below to get started 👇👇👇

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